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Combined Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Med-Peds Residency


Residents alternate every 3 months between the Department of Medicine and the Department of Pediatrics, assuming graduated responsibilities over the 4-year course of training. The inpatient experience is gained in a variety of hospital settings (see Facilities) with exposure to a very diverse population with equally diverse pathology. A large variety of outpatient settings are available for all ambulatory care experiences, ranging from smaller community clinics to University-based subspecialty clinics. Elective and subspecialty rotations round out the educational experience of our residents. Where appropriate, residents on subspecialty services will see both adult and pediatric patients, enabling them to better appreciate the changing spectrum of illness.

One of the strengths of our pediatric training at UC San Diego is having the free-standing Rady Children's Hospital which serves the entire San Diego County. In addition, residents are able to do rotations in one of the largest HMOs in California, Kaiser Permanente, as well as many other sites. Residents maintain continuity clinics in both pediatrics and internal medicine, with the choice of combined or separate clinic settings.


Schedule: Features

  • X+Y: Med Peds residents on medicine will be on an X+Y schedule of 4+2 weeks starting July 2025. Pediatrics currently has flexible continuity clinic scheduling.
  • Call Schedule: Only 1 rotation (VA ICU) has 24-hour call, which occurs every 7 days only on VA ICU for 1 month as an R2. There are a total of 1-3 24-hour ward cross cover shifts on pediatrics as a PGY3/4. No other 24-hour call. 
  • Shifts: Inpatient wards are staffed with day teams and night teams, with a well-established sign out system
  • Rotation Duration: Thirteen 4-week blocks, sometimes divided into two 2-week blocks
  • Cross-cover Call: Established to cover residents for illness and family emergencies.
  • Length of Intern Year: 12 months
  • Night Float: Provides 5 p.m. – 7 a.m. coverage of ward patients from the day teams to allow night teams to focus on new admissions
  • Vacation: 4 weeks of paid vacation per year, divided into two 2-week blocks


Schedule: 4-Year Curriculum

All Rotations

Total Number of 4-Week Block Rotations
